четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

driver motorola razr usb

It has been SO�LONG since I�wrote in this thing.
Um....letapos;s see, what are interesting things happening in my sad little life?
Oh. Yeah. I started high school. Whoopee.
Annnd...Iapos;m in a play. In a real theatre company outside of school. Itapos;s sponsored by a library and itapos;s aimed at kids, but still. ITapos;S�NEATO. The playapos;s called Big Bad Musical, about the fairy-tale�trial of the Big Bad Wolf. I�play a loony old judge, so basically I�only have to act old and judge-ish. Otherwise I just behave as I�normally would. The sad thing is, Iapos;m not�kidding at all.
Oh�And Iapos;m in another play. But not really in it in it. Iapos;m a backstage person--costume assistant, to be specific. But the main duty of the costume assistant is to get the right costume to the right actor at the right time during the performances, and Iapos;m not even going to be AT�the performances because Big Bad Musical has performances on the same days, so basically Iapos;m just an all-purpose stagehand. Weapos;ve only had one meeting so far, during which we lifted a lot of heavy stuff. We have another meeting today--I�sincerely hope weapos;re not lifting any more heavy stuff. That stuff was...heavy.

And....Iapos;m writing a novel. Really this time. Iapos;ve said I was writing a novel a lot, then wrote about ten pages, got bored, and trashed it, but this is the novel Iapos;m really gonna finish. Iapos;ve already written about twenty pages. Canapos;t talk about it right now since Iapos;m still only writing the first draft, but itapos;s gonna be good.

Well, either good, or so stupid itapos;s awesome. But either way is just fine and dandy with me.

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