понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

cane stalks

Three years ago i left kl for australia because i wasnapos;t happy. I felt that i was on a different wave-length to everyone else there and i needed to get away because i felt so miserable. So now here today i wanna note down that thank god iapos;ve finally found friends who i love so much and can click with so well itapos;s amazing. Iapos;ve never been happier so thank you.

so last week we went to this house party in brisbane. It was this massive house with a large backyard and there were about 70 people. There was even a bonfire. I didnt even know the people who owned the house but they study fashion or whatever. Anyways for the first two hours everything was good. Got really drunk. Like really really drunk. And people kept coming up to us to try and talk to us or like be friends with us or whatever but we were barring everyone like couldnt be bothered. And then this dude was like here have some weed. Like for free. And it all went downhill from there. I had like a joint but because ive been drinking before it FUCKED ME UP SO BAD. Like i couldnt stand up or keep my eyes opened. I had to sit near the front door and i vomited everywhere. Like EVERYWHERE. And my friend made me lie down. And i vomited on myself. On my clothes on my shoes on EVERYTHING it was ridiculously disgusting but i couldnt give a shit. I was literally on the floor in the hallway of the main entrance of the house.i was like that for 2 hours. Fucking embarrassing but thank god i didnt know anyone. Sleptover at a friendapos;s house and woke up smelling like SHIT and covered in spew. My clothes were stained god it was so bad never doing that againnnnn.

ok i need to start on my fucking dreadful assignment.
itapos;s due yesterday and i havent even started yet.
goodbye 10.

conditional form job offer police, cane stalks.

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