воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

disability vat

Hi this is my first request so donapos;t kill me if I do it wrong... *hides*

I am looking for a super HQ ver. Of the With U mv. My friends birthday is coming up and I wanna make her something with it. But I canapos;t find anything hq enough to work.

My only thing I can give in exchange are icons. So if you can give me a super hq ver. Iapos;ll make you icons of whatever you want. Or a header. You name it.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

align case orthoclear technology time

Private to Psmith
Psmith?????��Are you around or okay or not okay or something?
please donapos;t be hurt or dead or gone or something please please please please be okay


Anyone need any food?��Iapos;ve been taking batches around town but Iapos;m sure I missed people.� Not on purpose, of course.� But if anyone is injured and needs food, or just needs food let me know please.

Cooking is the only thing keeping me sane right now...

*strikeouts are unreadable/deleted.

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body cynthia guard mckinney

Several nights ago nick and i were leaving work together when he said he needed gas. I stopped with him just cuz we do everything together. I didnapos;t need any gas, but then all of a sudden i hear nick yelling and pointing to the list of gas prices. I replied, "OMFG. UNDER 3 DOLARS? i donapos;t even need fucking gas, but iapos;m getting some" haha so i celebrated a full tank of gas for under 40 bucks for a while there i was paying 60 =/


so nick and i really hate going to the grocery store. I donapos;t know why, but we really do. Maybe because we end up staying in there for hours and spend like 400 bucks. And because of this, we donapos;t always have food. Lol. Right now we have cereal, but no milk. Pbj, but bad bread. And i buy us stuff to drink every day before coming home. Lol. I think iapos;m gonna try getting marketday (marketday.com). Anyone else have any other ideas? iapos;m also gonna try going to the grocery store across from my job when work is slow. Pick up dinner for the night or whatever.... My mom told me to do that, and it sounded smart i just wanna cook for my baby again. Esp. Now that we cleaned the whole house.


how come whenever my family sees me, my weight/ figure is always brought up? just cuz i used to be fat and now iapos;m not doesnapos;t mean you can refer to my body every single time you see me. This does not happen to my brothers.... "oh, still fat?" psh. Iapos;m always asked if i weigh less than last time. If iapos;ve always fit into those pants. Oh now that youapos;re skinny you need a boob job and a tummy tuck so you can be ~perfect~. Well fuck you i went through a lot to become HEALTHY, and iapos;m tired of people/family members bringing up my weight loss as though it was a bad thing, as though it is a cause for alarm. Iapos;ve been skinny for like 2 years now, come the fuck on do i look like iapos;m dying? i weight the fucking same every time you see me and iapos;ve been wearing these pants since i fit into them, so put down the snacks and stop picking me apart. 113 lbs at 4 feet 11 inches... Iapos;m fucking fine adkfaksdghao
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deuce bigalow cold blooded gigolo

The Sims is a very tedious game that is based on ultra realism, which is exactly what hooks people. " The Sims is an escapist vehicle for people who want to escape where they already are..." (13). People get hooked on the game because it essentially is reality that the player is able to control. You are the God of the game, but in this game you can make it so you are the God of your own life, or Sims-style life. It seems like real life. Basically all aspects of life, even the annoying ones like taking out the trash, are in The Sims. Verisimilitude, meaning the appearance of truth, is prevalent in The Sims. The player feels like they have complete control over their life, even when they really donapos;t. Everyone is "eternally enslaved by the process of living" (17), which can be seen clearly in The Sims. This realization is what makes depression kicked in. You have to live, and in order to live you have to go to the bathroom, go to work, and eat. These seemingly minuscule things are the most important aspects of The Sims and while playing the game you realize how important they are to real life too. If you donapos;t eat before you go to work or remember to go to the bathroom, you will be grumpy and whiny when you get home...both in real life and in The Sims. These "nothing" duties are everything.�Even if you do control all your actions in the game, you still have to pay attention to the duties that are easily overlooked in real life. No one is ever really in control of what they do, because of the daily things we have to do regardless if we want to or not.�

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direct mail advertising


If you think I was excited yesterday, you should see my aching arms today

Did yoga Tae-bo. Hurt. Feels great Want to go back to sleep.

Got a petticoat finished yesterday and worked on a pair of stays. Will try to finish stays today, but no promises on how long my left hand will hold out. I get a pinched nerve in my wrist and fingers if I hand-sew on the stays for too long.

I need to figure out how to make my Media Player play songs in order, so I donapos;t have to keep getting up to select a new artist or genera. I just canapos;t find "play all" like I could on the last computer. Guess it takes a while to learn a new machine.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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It has been SO�LONG since I�wrote in this thing.
Um....letapos;s see, what are interesting things happening in my sad little life?
Oh. Yeah. I started high school. Whoopee.
Annnd...Iapos;m in a play. In a real theatre company outside of school. Itapos;s sponsored by a library and itapos;s aimed at kids, but still. ITapos;S�NEATO. The playapos;s called Big Bad Musical, about the fairy-tale�trial of the Big Bad Wolf. I�play a loony old judge, so basically I�only have to act old and judge-ish. Otherwise I just behave as I�normally would. The sad thing is, Iapos;m not�kidding at all.
Oh�And Iapos;m in another play. But not really in it in it. Iapos;m a backstage person--costume assistant, to be specific. But the main duty of the costume assistant is to get the right costume to the right actor at the right time during the performances, and Iapos;m not even going to be AT�the performances because Big Bad Musical has performances on the same days, so basically Iapos;m just an all-purpose stagehand. Weapos;ve only had one meeting so far, during which we lifted a lot of heavy stuff. We have another meeting today--I�sincerely hope weapos;re not lifting any more heavy stuff. That stuff was...heavy.

And....Iapos;m writing a novel. Really this time. Iapos;ve said I was writing a novel a lot, then wrote about ten pages, got bored, and trashed it, but this is the novel Iapos;m really gonna finish. Iapos;ve already written about twenty pages. Canapos;t talk about it right now since Iapos;m still only writing the first draft, but itapos;s gonna be good.

Well, either good, or so stupid itapos;s awesome. But either way is just fine and dandy with me.

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

container wood

Oooh... Nice. Penguins v. Flyers and just over 5 minutes in, Eric Godard (Pens) and Riley Cote (Flyers) drop the gloves and go right off the faceoff. And it was a good one. Lasted a while, refs stayed out of it, and damn the punches these guys were throwing Iapos;d call it a draw, as they both landed a couple good ones, and they were both throwing fast and hard. One of the better hockey fights Iapos;ve ever seen, actually.
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Irsquo;m so tired of being hurt. I guess itrsquo;s part of life, right. Irsquo;m sitting at my desk, AT WORK, crying. I try to not get upset about things. I try to be tough but some things just never cease to get to me over and over again. I guess that means whatever it is is significant enough that there must be something wrong, right.


I just found out that I have a small cyst on my left ovary, but it doesnrsquo;t require follow-up and I have a retroverted uterus (which means it tilts to the back instead of forward.) YAY.

I think I am going to take the girls to the pumpkin patch after work. Me and Aeries look forward to it every year. Aeries wants to dress as Dorothy. We got the shoes and Toto in a basket already and I bought all the fabric. Irsquo;ve cut the dress parts and really need to get started sewing. Still havenrsquo;t figured out what Ayla is going to be. I would love to dress as the Wicked Witch, just donrsquo;t have enough time.

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I had coffee. Iapos;m spazzing out. I wanna go to the beach and be knocked down by waves. Over and over again. Its therapeutic.
I hope its warm enough. I really hope my dearest love wants to go too. I miss him. (sappysappysappy)
Aaaarrrggghhh caffeine is evil I hate waiting Iapos;m dying You know, in the way weapos;re all dying every moment that passes us by. Not in the omg she needs an ambulance way. No need to panic people, everything is um situation normal.
Sigh------ Iapos;m impatient

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